Feijoa 90mm pots
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The Feijoa (Feijoa sellowiana) is a small evergreen tree/ shrub with a bushy spreading habit. A hardy self -fertile plant it produces an attractive burst of red flowers throughout spring. The leaves are deep green and silvery grey underneath. Propagated from mature wood cuttings the trees will start to bear in their 2nd or 3rd year.
Also known as “pineapple guava” the fruit is oval in shape with yellowish-green skin and a creamy-white, crunchy-smooth flesh. The fruit has a delicious pineapple/strawberry/passionfruit flavour and a very exotic fruit aroma. Like guavas, feijoa fruit is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin-C
Not only does the feijoa bear tasty fruit, it is also an excellent ornamental shrub and ideal for growing as as a hedge. Trees can be maintained at around 2m. Left un-pruned they will grow to a height of 3.5 metres or more.
Fruit matures in March to early June following flowering, ripe fruit fall to the ground naturally. Fruit are eaten fresh or can be used in jellies and preserves.
Feijoa’s are frost tolerant and best planted in fertile well drained soil protected from the hot afternoon sun.
We ship early in the week to try and ensure they arrive at their destination before the weekend.
Please note: due to quarantine restrictions plants cannot be sent to Northern Territory, Tasmania or Western Australia.
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