Orange Washington Navel Dwarf Grafted 90mm Pot (QLD ONLY)


The Washington Navel Orange is one of the most popular backyard orange trees grown in Australia.    Sweet and juicy the easy peel orange is ideal for eating or juicing.  Early season producing  large seedless oranges mid  winter, the fruit will hold on the tree for many weeks and  get sweeter over time.

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The Washington Navel Orange is one of the most popular backyard orange trees grown in Australia.  Sweet and juicy the easy peel orange is ideal for eating or making juice.

It is early season, producing  large seedless oranges mid – winter.  The fruit will hold on the tree for many weeks and  get sweeter over time.

The trees are grafted onto dwarf rootstock making them ideal for planting in small gardens, large pots or espaliered on a lattice or wall.

Please note: we can only supply citrus trees within QUEENSLAND due to state quarantine regulations.