Red Tamarillo Trees – 90mm pots


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The red tamarillo (Solanum betaceum)  is a fast growing small,  sub tropical  tree  that reaches a height of 2-3 meters.  Known as tomate de arbol in Argentina it originally comes from the Andean highlands of South America.  In Australia it is referred to as the tree tomato.  It  bears heavy crops of red tomato like fruit  that are high in fibre, calcium, iron, phosphorus plus vitamins A and C.  The fruit has a tangy and  sweet flavour  and may be loosly compared to a mix of  tomato,  kiwifruit and  guava.

The skin and the flesh near it have a bitter taste and are not usually eaten.  They can be eaten fresh of the tree or  peeled and cooked in chutneys, dips, sauces and desserts or added raw to salads.

The trees require well drained soil and protection from wind and frost. They can be sucessfully cutivated in large pots.

Tamarillos are commonly pruned, quite regularly, in order to keep the brittle fruit-bearing wood close to the trunk. If a number of plants are grown, pruning some in Spring and some in Autumn will assist in maintaining a year-round supply of fruit.

Our  trees are quality commercial stock grown in a professional nursery in south-east Queensland. The trees are 10-12 months old, 50-80cm tall are sun hardened and ready to plant into the ground or  a large pot.

We only send trees early in the week to ensure they arrive at their destination before the weekend.

Please note: due to quarantine restrictions plants cannot be sent to Northern Territory, Tasmania  or Western Australia.


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